I've found a solution to the onslaught of recent spambot signups on SE: deactivating registration! So, until further notice, there will be no new users registering for the forum (unless they ask me, in which case I'd go and temporarily reactivate registrations).
I know the forum is pretty much dead, but I still do care about it. Anyways, I have math homework to do, Everafter updates to forget about, etc.
Here's to the end of spambots!
Forum rules
- Let the big man speak
- Let the big man speak
- Deacon Blues
- Godking Emperor
- Posts: 130
- Joined: Tue Aug 30, 2022 12:35 am
- Location: kamiland
- Contact:
Here's to the end of spambots!
Shookum Hip RALLO Dine!