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WHILL OF THE FORCE [Star Wars Adventure]

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2022 3:12 am
by Etch
"Anhri?" said Ahsoka, entering the medical ward.

It had been only a few days since the GAR put out the emergency call to the 501st. Ahsoka, to her absolute credit, had taken the journey with stoicism and resolution, even though her friend was in danger from some... force-thing.

Master Yoda had said that Anhri's best bet was to just be with her friends during this time - Anhri's insistence was what brought Ahsoka halfway across the galaxy to be with her friend.

But Anhri didn't look like she was dying. Instead, her eyes were glazed over, like she was in the middle of a force vision, but her body seemed otherwise healthy. She didn't look gaunt - her time in the temple had given her access to the good rations, guessed Ahsoka.

Anhri closed her eyes.

"Ahsoka," she said. "I'm glad you're here."

"Anhri, what..."

Anhri held up a hand.

And, with an alarming *build* to her Force presence, opened her eyes, and spoke --

What did the Living Force tell Jedi Knight Anhri Asher?


Had the idea, and preferred not to waste it. No guarantees on how long this'll go - the tone is up to you all!